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and co-supervisors* at the University of Turin

The young faculty (ricercatori), and colleagues from other Departments of the University of Torino (or other Universities), can be co-supervisors together with a professor from the Mathematics Department.

  • Francesco Amoroso
    number theory, diophantine geometry
  • Alessandro Ardizzoni
    Hopf algebras and monoidal categories
  • Vivina Barutello
    celestial mechanics, dynamical systems
  • Cristina Bertone
    computer algebra, polynomial bases
  • Alberto Boscaggin
    boundary value problems, Hamiltonian systems, celestial mechanics
  • Reto Buzano
    geometric analysis, Ricci flow, mean curvature flow
  • Paolo Caldiroli
    prescribed mean curvature problems, variational and perturbative methods
  • Marco Cappiello
    microlocal analysis, evolution pde, pseudodifferential operators, Gevrey and Gelfand-Shilov spaces
  • Raphael Carroy
    descriptive set theory, study of definable relations and functions on analytic spaces
  • Cinzia Casagrande
    birational geometry of projective varieties, Fano varieties
  • Roberto Cavoretto
    kernel-based approximation methods, numerical algorithms with applications to AI and ML
  • Alan Cigoli
    categorical algebra, category theory
  • Sandro Coriasco
    analysis on non-compact and singular manifolds, pseudodifferential and Fourier integral operators
  • Elena Cordero
    time-frequency analysis, pseudodifferential and Fourier integral operators, frames, deep learning
  • Alessandra De Rossi
    meshfree approximation methods, numerical algorithms for AI/ML and big data
  • Elvira Di Nardo
    first passage time problems, computing in applied probability
  • Lorenzo Fatibene
    conservative laws for relativistic theories and gauge theories, variational methods for field theories, Dirac equations on varieties
  • Francesca Ferrara
    mathematical imagination and semiotic activity, diagrams and (digital and non) representations in mathematics
  • Anna Fino
    Hermitian and G_2- geometry, geometric flows
  • Federica Galluzzi*
    Hodge theory, K3 surfaces, Brauer groups
  • Alessandro Iacopetti
    regularity theory for the prescribed mean curvature equation in the Lorentz-Minkowski space, surfaces of prescribed mean curvature
  • Elena Issoglio
    stochastic differential equations with singular coefficients, McKean-Vlasov Equations, and their numerical schemes
  • Ignazio Longhi*
    number theory, arithmetic geometry (Iwasawa theory, function field arithmetic)
  • Dario Martelli
    mathematical structures emerging from string theory, holography, quantum field theories, and black holes
  • Riccardo Moschetti *
    derived categories and semiorthogonal decompositions, Hurwitz spaces and monodromy
  • Luca Motto Ros
    descriptive set theory (classical and generalized), Borel reducibility and classification problems
  • Fabrizio Nieri
    exact methods in quantum field theories, algebraic/integrable structures emerging from string theory
  • Tommaso Pacini
    complex geometry, calibrated geometry
  • Gianluca Paolini
    group theory, model theory, applications of descriptive set theory
  • Federico Polito
    fractional stochastic processes, random graphs
  • Alessandro Portaluri *
    symplectic methods in Hamiltonian dynamics, index theory and spectral flow formulae
  • Marco Radeschi
    rigidity in riemannian geometry, isometric group actions, singular riemannian foliations
  • Alberto Raffero
    G2 geometry, special geometric structures and their automorphisms
  • Sara Remogna
    numerical methods for function and data approximation, spline and applications
  • Ornella Robutti
    the meanings of mathematical objects, communities of mathematics teachers and mathematics education researchers
  • Matteo Luca Ruggiero
    gravitational theories, exact solutions of general relativity
  • Nicola Soave
    semilinear elliptic equations: existence and rigidity, free boundary problems and nodal sets
  • Susanna Terracini
    geometric theory of PDE and free boundaries, celestial mechanics and dynamical systems
  • Bruno Toaldo
    stochastic processes and non-local operators, anomalous transport and diffusion
  • Luigi Vezzoni
    complex differential geometry, geometric analysis
  • Stefano Vita *
    geometric theory of PDE and free boundaries
  • Matteo Viale
    logic, set theory, forcing
  • Cristina Zucca
    direct and inverse problem for first passage times, detection algorithms
  • Davide Zucco
    shape optimization, calculus of variations, analysis of PDE
Last update: 02/05/2024 12:52
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